Apply to CASA VPK4

Casa VPK4 is our 4 year-old program. In accordance with the State of Florida rules children entering the VPK program must be at least 4 years of age on or before September 1st.
Our CASA program is a tuition based private school program. The application process for our private school is different than our public K-12 charter school. Instead of applying to be selected in the lottery, you are applying to be selected for an interview. Entrance into the Casa program is interview based. Once an interview is conducted and you have received your offer, you will need to begin the registration process. To apply for our VPK program, you will need to submit your VPK voucher.
The first step in the process is to complete our online application.

Important Registration Documents
To complete the enrollment process, all registration documents must be uploaded into your Schoolmint account.