Before and After School Enrichment (BASE)

BASE is designed to meet the needs of working families with children enrolled at IMO/Casa. We offer a welcoming atmosphere in which our nurturing staff encourages children to explore and build on individual interests and skills, participate in group activities, play sports and games, socialize with peers and program team members, and relax and unwind.
Play is the work of the child.
-Maria Montessori
Play is the work of the child.
-Maria Montessori
Our mission is to provide a quality extended day program that complements the Montessori school day by offering enriching activities designed to develop peer-to-peer bonding, promote community involvement, encourage multicultural appreciation, and build social and emotional skills.

Weather permitting, participating children are invited to enjoy indoor and outdoor activities each day. Indoor time may include study time, coloring, reading, guided themed activities, etc. Please be aware that we will follow requirements set forth by IMO/Casa under the guidance of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Department of Education (DOE), the Department of Health (DOH) and Orange County Public Schools (OCPS). For any questions, please feel free to reach out to base@innovationmontessori.com