Lunch Program Policies

The Montessori curriculum includes lessons on grace and courtesy. Please include a reusable/cloth napkin for lunch, placemat, and appropriate silverware with your child’s lunch every day. We do not provide single-use plastic utensils. We are a PEANUT-AWARE SCHOOL, please do not send in any food items containing peanuts. Innovation Montessori, Inc., (Lakewood campus) does not have a school cafeteria, but we do offer a lunch provider or students may pack their own lunch. Students in K-12 who qualify for free or reduced lunch will be afforded the opportunity to participate in the program. Schoolpay provides online ordering services for the lunch program. Payments are due on Mondays to ensure meals will be received the following week. Students with unpaid meals will be notified with an invoice through Schoolpay. Unpaid meals must be paid for by the end of the academic year. Because hunger is an impediment to learning, no child shall be denied a school meal because of an inability to pay. Students will be served a meal that meets the U.S. Departments of Agriculture nutrition standards for school meals.
Healthy food is part of our charter. When packing lunch for your student we ask that you pack a nutritious meal. Please also send your child(ren) with a labeled water bottle. Please do not send candy, soda, or sugary sweet treats - teachers will send those items back home. Please do not send in items needing to be heated or refrigerated. Secondary students will have access to a cafeteria, refrigerator, and microwave (Silverstar campus)