Volunteer at Lunch

Innovation Montessori is proud to serve a heathly balanced lunch to our students each school day. Food safety is the upmost importance to the lunch program. Volunteers help in a big way inside the lunchroom by cleaning and serving nutritional meals. Basic duties include sweeping, tray sanitation, meal counting, wiping surfaces, and assisting students. Volunteer opportunities exist for our North Lakewood Campus and our Silverstar Road Campus.
All volunteers must be cleared through OCPS ADDitions volunteer portal before signing up for a shift in the lunch room. Please bring your photo ID with you when you arrive on campus. Check in with the front office to receive your visitors badge as well as directions to the lunch room.
To help prevent the spread of germs please stay home if you feel ill. Food saftey requires keeping hair pulled back, wearing close toe shoes and not wearing jewelry other than a plain band. We recomend wearing clothes that can get stained and dirty.